Evil Ebenezer explores the depths of isolation.
Discover ‘Empty World’, Evil Ebenezer‘s latest music video, which features a dark and captivating visual universe, perfectly reflecting the title of the work. Directed by Jordon Chatten and Evil Ebenezer himself, this powerful track takes the listener on an introspective journey through feelings of isolation and disillusionment. With poignant lyrics such as “You say you are listening but you are not hearing me” Evil Ebenezer captures the essence of emotional loneliness, underscoring a performance that is as heartfelt as it is relentless.
“You say you are listening but you are not hearing me” – Evil Ebenezer
An artist at the top of his art.
After climbing the ranks of the Canadian and international rap scene, Evil Ebenezer continues to surprise and innovate with genre-defying projects. With over 85 million streams on Spotify and acclaimed performances around the world, it is clear that Evil Ebenezer is an artist with a strong artistic vision and undeniable talent. His latest album, “Evil Thoughts Good Intentions” topped the iTunes charts in Canada, once again proving his lasting impact on the hip-hop scene. His lyrical and sonic explorations continue to push the boundaries of rap music, providing listeners with an experience that goes far beyond the norm. Go and listen to his latest project, and stay tuned for more, coming soon…
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